Table of special SUN keys and their various key codes. The special function keys are unsupported in Windows, but they can be mapped to an alternative key. These alternative keys report keycodes which can then be used by software such as Hoekey to map them to functions. name sun code sun name usb code usb name alternative alt USB code alt windows vkey help 0x76 lf(16) 0x75 help f13 0x68 124 stop 0x01 buckybits+systembit 0x78 stop f14 0x69 125 again 0x03 lf(2) 0x79 again f15 0x6A 126 props 0x19 lf(3) 0x76 keyboard menu f16 0x6B 127 undo 0x1A lf(4) 0x7A undo f17 0x6C 128 front 0x31 lf(5) 0x77 select f18 0x6D 129 copy 0x33 lf(6) 0x7C copy f19 0x6E 130 open 0x48 lf(7) 0x74 execute f20 0x6F 131 paste 0x49 lf(8) 0x7D paste f21 0x70 132 find 0x5F lf(9) 0x7E find f22 0x71 133 cut 0x61 lf(10) 0x7B cut f23 0x72 134 mute 0x2D rf(4) 0x7F mute f24 0x73 135 vol down 0x02 - 0x81 volume down intl'1 0x87 193 vol up 0x04 - 0x80 volume up intl'6 0x8C 234 power 0x30 bf(13) 0x66 keyboard power* - - - compose 0x43 COMPOSE 0x65 app right gui left meta 0x78 BUCKYBITS+METABIT 0xE3 left gui left alt right meta 0x7A BUCKYBITS+METABIT 0xE7 right gui right alt escape** 0x1D ESC 0x29 escape tilde tilde** 0x2A ` 0x35 tilde escape caps lock** 0x77 SHIFTKEYS+CAPSLOCK 0x39 caps lock control control** 0x4C SHIFTKEYS+LEFTCTRL 0xE0 control caps lock alt 0x13 SHIFTKEYS+ALT 0xE2 left alt left gui alt graph 0x0D - 0xE6 right alt right control Sources used to construct table: -sun codes: Hyperterminal output of Type 5 keyboard -usb codes: keytables.c (OpenSolaris source) & usb_keytables.c (OpenSolaris source) -usb names/codes: USB HID to PS/2 Scan Code Translation Table ( -virtual key codes: CharProbe output ( *The "keyboard power" key isn't normally supported by Windows, but it reports a virtual key code of 255, which can be used to map it to various functions. **Escape/Tilde and control/caps lock can be swapped because these two combinations are swapped between Unix- and PC-style SUN keyboards.